Daily Flux Report

The significance of Thanksgiving | Letters to the editor

The significance of Thanksgiving | Letters to the editor

Thanksgiving is a time to pause and reflect on the blessings that shape our lives.

More than a meal, the holiday brings us together and creates lasting memories. In the chaos of daily life, the day reminds us to focus on what truly matters: Our loved ones, our blessings and the simple joys that often go unnoticed.

In Islam, gratitude is not confined to a single day. It is deeply embedded in everyday life.

Through prayer, fasting, and giving alms, Muslims are reminded to recognize their blessings and give thanks to God. As the Holy Quran says, "Eat of the good things We have provided for you, and render thanks to Allah (God), if it is He Whom you worship" (2:173).

As we celebrate Thanksgiving, let us implement its values every day of the year.

Sophia Mahmood, Miami

Every November, we express our gratitude for all we receive from our country's shared benefits.

This is a time of family reunions, public gatherings with volunteer hosts or dining away from home. This year, we've gone through a contentious national election, public protests from a war in the Mideast and devastating hurricanes close to home.

Living here in the U.S., we share in the benefits of heroic first responders, sound public utilities, federal, state and local education programs, medical care, highways, sanitation, transportation, libraries and natural resources.

Make this time of year one of thanksgiving as we gather with family and friends. Try to instill in all the worthwhile gifts we have by living in this wonderful country.

Bob Sweeney, Warwick, R.I.

In 1899, Louis Dalrymple said, "Politics makes strange bedfellows." It's still true.

I clearly remember Marco Rubio next to Donald Trump in a 2016 debate and declared Trump unfit to occupy the Oval Office. He unleashed a torrent of criticism of Trump's misdeeds and character. He worked Trump into a red-faced lather, even describing his small hands.

Today, Rubio is a steadfast Trump loyalist. Trump has rewarded him with a nomination to be Secretary of State. Strange bedfellows indeed.

Melvin Gerald, Boca Raton

"Morning Joe" Scarborough and his wife, Mika Brzezinski, met with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago to restart a dialogue, even though they have been fierce critics of Trump and he has said terrible, untrue things about them. Their visit got lots of coverage, as many on social media felt betrayed and accused Joe and Mika of selling out.

I don't see it that way. There's nothing wrong with restarting a dialogue. Joe and Mika will continue to speak out and hold the Trump administration accountable. But meeting with Trump was probably pointless.

Joe and Mika said he was elected by a little more than half the country, or about 76 million people, and that we can't ignore Trump voters. In fact, since Trump was elected in 2016, the media has done nothing but cover Trump voters and their wants, needs and grievances. So many books have been written about the anger in small-town America and why people went for Trump.

I'm not interested in who Trump voters are, because considering who Trump is and what he wants to do, there's no good reason to have voted for this man a second time. They should never have voted for him. His Cabinet choices are already showing us why.

Kathleen Vullis, Margate

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