Dames at Sea is a lighthearted parody of 1930s Busby Berkeley-style movie musicals that continues to charm audiences even 58 years after its debut. The story follows a bright-eyed girl from Utah who dreams of making it on Broadway in New York City. The clever tunes in the show are send-ups of 1920s and 1930s classics, adding to the nostalgic appeal of the production.
While Citadel Theatre's production of Dames at Sea has some standout performances, such as Ciara Jarvis as the B-word diva Mona and Melody Rowland as the Ruby Keeler-esque Ruby, not all cast members are able to bring the same level of energy and presence to the stage. Director and choreographer Gregg Dennhardt manages to inject the show with fabulous dance numbers, but the overall execution falls short of capturing the full charm of the original production.
In the realm of Chicago theater, Dames at Sea may not be a top pick for everyone, but it certainly offers a nostalgic and entertaining experience for those who appreciate classic musicals. The show's enduring popularity speaks to its timeless appeal and the enduring love for the golden age of Hollywood musicals. If you're looking for a light and fun night out at the theater, Dames at Sea might just be the ticket.