The 28-year-old actor attended the 2024 LACMA Art+Film Gala held at Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Koch was not alone in this event. He was spotted hand-in-hand entering the venue with Stuart McClave, a film producer and filmmaker whose last film was a documentary on the life of Serena and Venus Williams' father called 'On The Line: The Richard Williams' Story.'
When the couple got into the venue, the two met up with 'American Horror Story: Delicate' star Kim Kardashian who attended the event wearing Princess Diana's cross pendant. If you recall, Cooper has already talked about Kim in the past with whom he visited the Menendez brothers in prison. He talked about his visit with Variety saying:
"I got to have a really good conversation with him and tell him that I believe him and I did everything I could as an actor to advocate for him and portray him as authentically as possible, and that I think the show does a really good job of representing him."
Just recently, Koch admitted to being off-the-market in an appearance on Andy Cohen's show 'Watch What Happens Live!' During the show, a fan called in to ask if Cooper was dating anyone, or if he wasn't, the fan asked if anything had changed, to which Cooper replied:
On the same appearance, Koch even admitted he wasn't wearing a prosthetic penis during his shower scene. A definite win for the audiences!