The Environmental Protection Agency -- Section author: Mandy Gunasekara (see above) Project 2025's plan for the EPA would effectively "cut any program focused on climate, limit the agency's ability to regulate under both the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act," slash environmental justice programs, revive the 'secret science' proposal from Trump's first term, undercut the Inflation Reduction Act and more, as Drilled's Amy Westervelt summarized it. And that's not all. Project 2025 also seeks to gut the National Environmental Policy Act (or NEPA, one of the nation's bedrock federal environmental laws) as well as the Endangered Species Act. "The President should instruct the [White House Council on Environmental Quality] to rewrite its regulations implementing NEPA along the lines of the historic 2020 effort and restoring its key provisions such as banning the use of cumulative impact analysis," Gunasekara wrote, referring to Trump's bid to single-handedly slash permitting regulations just before the 2020 election.
Department of Energy and Related Commissions -- Section author: Bernard L. McNamee (see above) "End the focus on climate change and green subsidies," McNamee wrote in the Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership. "Eliminate energy efficiency standards for appliances." "End grid planning," he added, faulting DOE's electricity grid planning as working "for the benefit of renewable resources or supporting low/carbon generation." Project 2025's DOE recommendations also include dismantling efforts to combat racism in the energy sector and unfair impacts from pollution on communities of color, dismissing energy justice as "politicized social agendas." DOE's Office of Fossil Energy should be revived, it adds, "with its original mission: increasing energy security and supply through fossil fuels."
Not all of Project 2025's plans are likely to draw support across the oil and gas industry, however. McNamee also proposed scrapping the controversial 45Q carbon capture tax credit, whose biggest expected beneficiaries include oil and gas companies like Occidental and BP.
Treasury -- Project 2025's section on the Treasury was co-authored by Steven Moore, a Heritage Foundation senior fellow and co-author with Sgamma of a pro-fracking book titled Fueling Freedom: Exposing the Mad War on Energy. "The next Administration should eliminate the Climate Hub Office and withdraw from climate change agreements that are inimical to the prosperity of the United States," Project 2025's section on the Treasury Department proposes.