When the orange con man said, "They're eating the dogs and cats!" she laughed. I wish she had said, TO HIS FACE, "Oh, come on, Donald, do you really BELIEVE that stupid shit? Are you really that fucking GULLIBLE? You're almost 80 years old, man. GROW UP! We should be discussing SERIOUS topics and instead you bring up that ridiculous NONSENSE?" I know she is capable of using that kind of language, and I think that kind of language would have been perfectly appropriate when the orange anus started bringing up that stupid shit. If she had said something like that, I think it would have been a memorable Joseph Welch-Joe McCarthy kind of moment. "Have you no sense of DECENCY, sir?" And I think hearing her use that kind of language also might have opened up a bit of a connection at some level with his brain-dead cult followers. That's the level they exist on. When you're trying to talk to them, use the language they understand. Maybe they're too far gone for that to be possible, but, well, I think that would have been a Joseph Welch-Joe McCarthy kind of moment. One of those moments worked in 1945, in the sense that it helped to begin to restore some measure of SANITY to the body politic, and I think it probably would have helped her in some circles. In fact, I think we need to start resorting to moments like this now in dealing with these CRAZY right-wingers. The more I think about it, the more I think she would have WON if she had said something like this to the Mango Mussolini, in front of a live national TV audience. What do y'all think?
-- Ron